Sunday 22 September 2013

Wondering Why You Don’t Get Asked Out On Dates?

I recently thought through the term “Date Zero Chicks” after I had realized that,there’s a subset of women who do not stand the chance of ever being asked-out on a first date.Let me clearly distinguish between being asked-out and first date.–First date is not the first time a guy asks you out for coffee or drinks, or the first time a guys agree to hang out and watch a movie or meet out at a lounge. A date is when someone asks you directly to do something with them,“just them”and it’s a time that is set aside and made special. The reason I clarify is that many women will say they can get dates, but then their dates really go nowhere afterwards. That’s because those weren’t dates in the first place.They were exploratory moments or simply just a man thinking "what little effort can I put in to convince her that I’m putting in a whole lot of effort and get…. ‘em a**?"
How does a guy decide on the women that he wants to approach and the ones he’ll pass on?What’s keeping some women from first dates?
I find that really simple but hard to explain in the official language of the female gender(Venusivian)– no matter how men break “it” down,you’ll never understand what men mean by she has to have “it.”What I can tell you is that there are several reasons why women never make it on the first date.While many women will disagree or claim that they aren’t fair,I have to remind all of us that our goals determine our actions.We can’t expect our goals to adjust and adapt to our actions.It’s simple you must always meet the requirements for your goals, not the other way around.If your goal is to go on a date then you have to play the game, the way the game is played.                                                                                                                         With that, here’s a list of reasons why you’ll never make it on the first date:

1.You don’t know when to keep quiet :   
 A piece of advice to all, “sometimes making your point is the most irrelevant thing to do.” There’s a lot of confusion with learning when to hold the tongue and feeling like women’s thoughts shouldn’t be suppressed.Often times most women talk guys out o approaching them by simply not knowing when to stop.                                                                                                                                                                                 
2.Your relationship goals seem to require a man, not the man:
After interacting with most women,it seems they want to be in relationships,they want to be married, they want a husband and family, but it doesn’t really ever matter who that person is as long as they have the same goal. It reminds me of people who get degrees from no-name schools just to say they have the degree, instead of those people who identify the Top 25 or so schools and make it a point to go there because the school matters to them.
3.You think that everyone should appreciates your flaws and character traits,without complain:
“I want someone who is going to appreciate me for me” society has evolved and you’ve got to accept who i am. It’s okay to want someone who is going to accept that am not perfect.But note that if there’s something that has to be change,you have to make that happen.
eg.binge drinking

4.You want a clean slate but won’t offer the same to a man:
Most women are noted to have a tall list of reasons why they won’t date a guy. They will most likely not date a guy who dated one of their girlfriends, or if the guy has few skeletons in his closet from the past. However, everywomanone deserves a second, third, fourth, fifth chance.This is where the saying that “he who ask for equity must come with clean hands” apply.

5.You lack consistency:
 There are tons of women do not realize that when they are so inconsistent it cripples any man’s ability to take them seriously. They want a serious relationship but gives the “hint” that they’ve got a night-rider waiting in the depths of late night texts. They say they want to settle down and get serious about getting married and starting a family but their social media account is full of pictures of them @ various hot spots in the city. And it’s not just your social life that needs consistency but all facets. It could be your dedication to the gym and dieting ,career etc – Men (and women) appreciate consistency in the people they wanna date.

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