Friday 13 September 2013

Ken Dzirasah -Condems JAK's suggestion of a second chambr

A former Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Ken Dzirasah has suggested that Ghana should not consider the setting up of a second chamber in Parliament “until we grow deeper and more matured in our democratic practice.”
Former President John Kufuor has proposed the addition of a second chamber to Ghana’s Parliament as exists in the UK and other countries.
According to him, this will ensure effective checks and balances of the Executive arm of government and will also give a voice to the voiceless in the country.
Mr. Dzirasah stated that the Council of State is somehow performing the role of a second chamber and opined that there should be a “review of the advisory role of the Council being enhanced to vest it with some legislative review powers".
He noted that huge chunk of resources is being invested into building the country’s democratic institutions and structures.Therefore considering the current economic situations,it will not be prudent to have a second camber.
This view is shared by a large number of the citizenry,who holds the view that our current parliament is inefficient and state resource are being wasted in caring for their opulent life style.

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