Thursday 5 September 2013


Conflict management is an integral part  of leadership. It is inevitable. And never is a leader's ability to lead more on trial than when he/she becomes confronted with conflict. It reveals a leader's steel(strength). Either it will demonstrate his credibility or expose his toxic deficiency. Most people get impressed by the size of a leader's organization; but in truth, it is their ability to deal with conflicts that brings out the best or the worst,in the leader
For conflict to be resolved, it requires a healthy, sensitive, selfless leader: one who can set aside his own fears, insecurities and pride, and concentrate on the needs and concerns of the people and the organization. Often an inept, insecure leader who cares only about "being right" and "looking good" before people tends to fuel conflict in an organization. Even conflict not initiated by a leader can be blown out of proportions by his fragile ego and fears of "losing face"
TOXIC LEADER'S OPINION IS ABSOLUTE :He/she  uses picth and statements that seem to suggest his way is the right and only way.Anyone who disagrees is intellectually inferior. And if his idea is not accepted, he withholds his support from any other initiative and may even attempt to undermine it. On the contrary, great leaders will promote unity and are willing to consider other opinions. They can receive criticism without becoming offended and even support programs or initiatives that they may not be personally enthusiastic about, but will participate in for the sake of supporting the people involved.
Because their opinions are absolute—or “from God,” there is no reason to try to understand any other person’s perspective. They wrongly think: “These people just need to submit.” When others try to explain another perspective, they quickly interrupt and talk over them; they don’t even listen because they’re only concerned about what they’re going to say next. Healthy leaders however are skillful listeners. Romans 12:10 says “in honor (they) give preference to one another.” They know that ,people must feel respected and valued in order to build unity,these leaders convey a sense of appreciation for the unique insights and perspectives that everyone brings to the table.

2.Abrasive tone:
His/her statements are often characterised by harsh, inflammatory words and condemning tones. It is not what he says, but how he says it. Statements are made that are provocative—even offensive. If they disagree with someone (which is typical)  their body language shouts rejection. They recoil and shake their head “disapprovingly.” They roll their eyes, and cross their arms. Everything about them says, “No way!” Of course, it is not wrong to disagree, but skillful leaders—uniting leaders—are able to disagree without being disagreeable or communicating rejection

3.“Toxic Leaders” are quick to criticize, correct and rebuke, but slow to encourage.
In fact, rarely does a “Toxic Leader” offer any hint of encouragement. They see people as things to use to accomplish a goal. They are out of touch with what people feel and need. They only care about  people doing their bidding, the way they are told to do it; and if you do it wrongly or in different way, beware the wrath of the contentious spirit. But good leaders are full of encouragement for those around  them. In fact, when they offer correction, they are able to do so in a way that affirms people and inspires them to “want” to do better.

Effective leadership is by nature the ability to manage and resolve conflict. It is the strength of character to rise above one's own need to be right and put the greater good of the organization first.

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