Friday 8 November 2013

How many Victoria Hammah's are in government?

Ghana rose to a "pleasant or unpleasant surprise" depending on which side of the political divide you stand. Ms Victoria Hammah, a deputy communications minister was relieved of her position.
Her dismissal comes on the back of a leaked audio tape purported to be a conversation between the deputy minister and an unknown friend.
She was alleged to have among other things mentioned her quest to make at least $1million(US) before she quits politics. A fine young lady whose appointment sparked various wild comments in the mass media,stating interesting reasons for her appointment gained prominence after she had goofed at an IT summit with her scripted speech.Many including myself raised questions about her competence with respect to running affairs of her office when she is seen not be organized and lacks the attention to details.
She was again in the front pages of newspapers when she publicly condemn society for breeding corrupt leaders.The revelation was based on mounting pressure from various people in society who will want her use the letterheads of the ministry to facilitate one illegal deal or the other.
Ghanaians who for preceding months were crusading against corruption were full of praise for her on this occasion,until yesterday's speculation in the media and numerous social networks.
Anyone privileged to have listen to the tape will no doubt say she had gained some political experience.She discussed why it was not right for a subordinate should not compete with his or her boss bearing in mind the role of the superior and his level of influence in the social circles.
The over 30minutes recording of the two ladies - who appeared to be traveling while having the conversation contains inside information about the workings of government, the role Nana Oye Lithur, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection played in securing a favorable verdict for the ruling party in the election petition case, how influential Lawyer Tony Lithur and Victoria Hammah are in the corridors of power,among other things.
These details seems to be a shot in the foot of ruling government which will in turn the image of the NDC party.
They are also heard on the leaked secret audio tape harshly condemning the Deputy Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Rachel Appoh, describing her as a “senseless, ugly, loud and egoistic” woman for instigating bad press against her boss, Nana Oye Lithur.

The question many young Ghanaians and pfygh for that matter is asking is:
How many of such politicians have we had, and how many of such are still in the corridors of power?

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