Saturday 30 November 2013

Few thingz to avoid while driving this holiday period

Hi everyone, it's a new day and the holiday period is speedily catching up with with us to usher in 2014.
Its a period most Nigerians refer to as"ember months". For those who don't understand. "ember" simply refers to the last quarter of the year with the suffix -ember.In Ghana it is believed that most of the accidents in year occur during this period simply because most of our folks rush to get things done, make extra cash for spending during the yuletide. With that in mind,I decided to write this to remind us of things we shouldn't be doing while driving. Some have become so common that they'll almost be regarded as normal. Still it's good we are mindful,so we get to say hello to ourselves in 2014, we will wish each other "a happy new year"Bellow i make a few list some of the thingz we gotta to be mindful about,not in any special order though!

Making or answering calls:This is a practice that has almost come to stay, despite numerous warnings.You yes you,are guilty of this.What can you do?Try placing your phone in your bag, drop it on the back seat and turn on the radio so u don't hear it ring or find it difficult to reach while driving.Hands-free have been recommended for people who by all means must pic their calls. I hope they don't take a call that distract their attention from the road.
Texting: Also guilty of this practice?It is absolutely wrong. It divides your attention from the road. Funny thing is, the text may actually wait, so why do it at that time?
Drinking alcohol: Lots of people have gone to jail and an early grave for this. Others to the hospital, sustaining permanent injuries and other Morgue.If you must drink, get someone you know and trust to take you home or call a taxi

Sleeping: This phenomenon may sound strange but it does happen. Most times though, not entirely the fault of the perpetrators. But if you took medications whose side effects includes dizziness/drowsiness, don't drive. if you are extremely tired, don't drive.There are times you really know you'll probably be sleeping on the steering wheel.You may just take a nap. 
No hurries
Eating: Another one you can't run from. You try to eat something with the excuse "I can hold with one hand. No flying nylons and drink with straws to avoid covering my line of vision". Thankfully, many cars these days have a space to keep your water bottles, so you don't have to worry about your drinks spilling. A bit safer than using both hands or drinking from a cup large enough to cover your whole face, still doesn't make it the right practice.
Driving with a child or pet on your lap: You may wanna show a little more affection by driving around with your kid or pet,but with all the seat belts in the car and car seats in the market, why carry your child of pet on your lap while driving?Regardless of how short or long the distance maybe,it still doen't make it a good practice.
Putting on make up/Changing your clothes: My cousin's wife and my lady supervisor may be the greatest culprits. We most likely will attribute this to heavy traffic in the capital city. Changing clothes,absolutely hilarious! what happened to your room or a stationary car?If you seem to be running late, at least put on the major items, carry your shoes and wear them upon arrival. Try to make the outfit a simple one like a dress. I almost didn't believe people o this until i saw it "feely feely"

Loud music: After hitting hard on the ladies,this one is mostly attributed to the fun loving guyz."I love good music and I love to blast it in my car" a "Naija"friend once mentioned.It becomes a distraction when you can't hear the honking of the car behind you or when you start dancing with your buddies and lose your concentration.
Keep it SAFE! Your family needs you,your friends needs you and your work definitely need your contribution

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