Saturday 30 November 2013

Few thingz to avoid while driving this holiday period

Hi everyone, it's a new day and the holiday period is speedily catching up with with us to usher in 2014.
Its a period most Nigerians refer to as"ember months". For those who don't understand. "ember" simply refers to the last quarter of the year with the suffix -ember.In Ghana it is believed that most of the accidents in year occur during this period simply because most of our folks rush to get things done, make extra cash for spending during the yuletide. With that in mind,I decided to write this to remind us of things we shouldn't be doing while driving. Some have become so common that they'll almost be regarded as normal. Still it's good we are mindful,so we get to say hello to ourselves in 2014, we will wish each other "a happy new year"Bellow i make a few list some of the thingz we gotta to be mindful about,not in any special order though!

Making or answering calls:This is a practice that has almost come to stay, despite numerous warnings.You yes you,are guilty of this.What can you do?Try placing your phone in your bag, drop it on the back seat and turn on the radio so u don't hear it ring or find it difficult to reach while driving.Hands-free have been recommended for people who by all means must pic their calls. I hope they don't take a call that distract their attention from the road.
Texting: Also guilty of this practice?It is absolutely wrong. It divides your attention from the road. Funny thing is, the text may actually wait, so why do it at that time?
Drinking alcohol: Lots of people have gone to jail and an early grave for this. Others to the hospital, sustaining permanent injuries and other Morgue.If you must drink, get someone you know and trust to take you home or call a taxi

Sleeping: This phenomenon may sound strange but it does happen. Most times though, not entirely the fault of the perpetrators. But if you took medications whose side effects includes dizziness/drowsiness, don't drive. if you are extremely tired, don't drive.There are times you really know you'll probably be sleeping on the steering wheel.You may just take a nap. 
No hurries
Eating: Another one you can't run from. You try to eat something with the excuse "I can hold with one hand. No flying nylons and drink with straws to avoid covering my line of vision". Thankfully, many cars these days have a space to keep your water bottles, so you don't have to worry about your drinks spilling. A bit safer than using both hands or drinking from a cup large enough to cover your whole face, still doesn't make it the right practice.
Driving with a child or pet on your lap: You may wanna show a little more affection by driving around with your kid or pet,but with all the seat belts in the car and car seats in the market, why carry your child of pet on your lap while driving?Regardless of how short or long the distance maybe,it still doen't make it a good practice.
Putting on make up/Changing your clothes: My cousin's wife and my lady supervisor may be the greatest culprits. We most likely will attribute this to heavy traffic in the capital city. Changing clothes,absolutely hilarious! what happened to your room or a stationary car?If you seem to be running late, at least put on the major items, carry your shoes and wear them upon arrival. Try to make the outfit a simple one like a dress. I almost didn't believe people o this until i saw it "feely feely"

Loud music: After hitting hard on the ladies,this one is mostly attributed to the fun loving guyz."I love good music and I love to blast it in my car" a "Naija"friend once mentioned.It becomes a distraction when you can't hear the honking of the car behind you or when you start dancing with your buddies and lose your concentration.
Keep it SAFE! Your family needs you,your friends needs you and your work definitely need your contribution

Thursday 28 November 2013

Ghana's Vice President Amissah-Arthur Resign?

If information published by the new statesman is anything to go by,Ghana's government and its people in general may be sitting on a fence.
The newspaper hinted that Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur had tendered a resignation letter to the Prez John Dramani Mahama 2months ago in protest against his relegation to the background in the scheme of affairs of the Mahama led National Democratic Congress government.The source also disclosed that Mr Amissah-Arthur only backtracked on his decision after being “talked to by leaders and bigwigs of the NDC” on the consequences his resignation would have on the governance of the country and the image of the NDC.
The Vice President has been livid about with no clear-cut schedule, and he believes his expertise is not being utilized in helping to run the affairs of the nation.

Mr Amissah-Arthur, the source said, only agreed to be Vice President, following the death of the late President Mills, and subsequently running mate to President Mahama in the 2012 elections, after an agreement had been reached that he would head all areas of the government regarding finance and the economy.Prez Mahama on the other hand was going to superintend over all other areas but the economy.

“Amissah Arthur, after being assured of control over the economy and other matters relating to the financial sector, as well as a say as to who gets appointed onto boards of governmental institutions had his dreams shattered,”  as it now turns out that Mr. Amissah Arthur has been relegated to the background and is now a ceremonial Vice President just attending events the President cannot attend. He is now seen as the fifth most powerful person at the Presidency, after President Mahama, Chief of Staff Prosper Bani, Deputy Chief of Staff Valerie Sawyer,and Stan Dogbe the
now seen as the fifth most powerful person at the Presidency, after President Mahama, Chief of Staff Prosper Bani, Deputy Chief of Staff Valerie Sawyerr; and Stan Dogbe the presidential staffer.

 The New Statesman further hinted that any ‘appointment’ made by Mr.Amissah-Arthur for placement onto boards of governmental institutions has to be vetted by Stan Dogbe before onward transmission to the President.Mr Amissah's ‘appointments’ never see the light of day as they are thrown away by Stan Dogbe the source added.
His lack of activity and the lack of respect for his office,prompted Mr Amissah-Arthur to tender in his resignation as Vice President of the Republic of Ghana which John Mahama received.

Following the alleged rifts, declaration of loyalty by staff at the Presidency has began as witness during Rawlings-Arkaah administration.The former Ambassador to Nigeria under the Mills administration, Baba Kamara, is said to have pitched camps with Mr Amissah-Arthur, despite being appointed as a senior Advisor to the President,registering his displeasure about sidelining the VP.
Bara Kamara had been a close associate of Vice President Amissah-Arthur with their friendship spanning over three decades

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Anglican Priest Arrested For Rape

Rev. Fr Emmanuel Quartey a 39-year- old priest of the Anglican Church was on Monday remanded in prison custody when he made an appearance before a Cape Coast Circuit Court for allegedly raping a 20-year-old woman.

His plea was not taken and will subsequently be making an appearance on December 11.

Chief Inspector Ockom told the court presided over by Mrs. Eva Bannerman Williams that on Sunday October 17 Hannah, a resident of Siwdo in Cape Coast approached Rev. Quartey to help her break a blood covenant she had with her boyfriend.

Rev. Fr Quartey agreed to help her and asked Hannah to meet him on October 18 in a hotel in Elmina.

She complied and met Rev. Fr Quartey in one of the rooms where he forcibly had sex with her and warned her not to tell anyone or she would die.

The prosecution said out of fear the victim kept the incident to herself until November 6 when she broke her silence and informed her older sister about it.

A complaint was made on November 8 at the Cape Coast Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) and the accused was arrested.

Source : GNA

Sunday 24 November 2013

Lack Of Leadership The cause Of Africa's Woe's

The Omanhene of Essikadu, Nana Kobina Nketsia V says one of the major challenges dragging the development efforts of Africa is lack of leadership.

Its a known fact Africa has all the natural & human resources anyone could think of however, the citizens wallow in abject poverty because the leaders who are placed in the helm of affairs  to effectively manage/utilize these resources for the benefit of the masses are simply selfish and greedy.

According to him, these negative attitudes have resulted in the vicious cycle of poverty among the people and advocated drastic measures to rectify the situation.

Nana Nketsia made this known in Takoradi when he chaired an official launch of the Global Leadership Network, a civil society organisation, aimed at nurturing leaders that would ensure accountable and responsive leadership in the country.

He said a good leader needs to be dynamic in order to bring transformation on the lives of his subjects and hence underscored the need for those in leadership positions to set good example and be role models.

He noted that a good leader is not to play politics, but rather exhibit statesmanship that embraces everybody.

The Omanhene, who is also a historian and lecturer at the University of Cape Coast, said Ghanaians must imbue themselves with the traditional value systems that accentuate honesty, discipline, hard work, truthfulness and humility which are the bedrock for development.

The Founder and President of the Network, Mark Kakraba-Ampeh said its objective is to raise leaders to respond to the immediate challenges of the present time and lay a solid foundation for the development of leadership for future generations.

He said the Network would be established in educational institutions and organize training programmes for various social, economic and interest groups to imbue in them the tenets of leadership.

Mr Kakraba-Ampeh called on the President John Dramani Mahama, to tackle the wanton corruption resulting in the dissipation of the national wealth by politicians in league with private businessmen and civil servants.

Source: GNA


Thursday 21 November 2013

Health Benefit Of Fresh coconut Juice/Water

Coconut water is comparatively one of the most valuable super foods on earth and nature’s most refreshing drinks. It is naturally packed with a variety of health benefits and consumed world wide. Coconut water is the purest liquid second only to water itself.
It is a natural refreshing beverage that is excellent for electrolyte replenishment. 
In summers or dry season in Africa a person loses a considerable amount of water due to perspiration. Coconut water contains a good amount of electrolyte- potassium, thus it can replenish the electrolyte composition in body fluids. Coconut water is better than packed or fresh fruit juices, sodas and energy drinks as it’s not adulterated with preservatives or artificial sweeteners .

The typical coconut vendor in Ghana can be found in communities,street corners,and popular shopping areas

Some Amazing benefits of coconut Juice/water

1. Drinking coconut water can also aid in losing weight as it is low in fat, cholesterol and chlorides. It reduces food cravings and keeps a person feeling full.
2. It is excellent drink for diabetics as it is good in nutrients required by diabetics to keep their sugar levels in control.
3. The risk of kidney stones is greatly reduced because of the presence of minerals, potassium and magnesium in coconut water. Tender coconut fluids acts as a natural diuretic because it has properties that tend to increase urine production and flow. Urologists around the world recommend that kidney stone sufferers should drink coconut water every alternate day to gradually reduce their stone size for easy elimination.
4. Loaded with vital nutrients, coconut water is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. It is rich in amino acids, enzymes, dietary fiber, vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and manganese .It is also very beneficial as it has anti viral and anti bacterial properties.
5. Coconut water works wonders for your skin too. Researches show that coconut water have cytokinins which are beneficial for anti aging-effects. When applied to acne, spots, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite and eczema it clears up the skin giving you youthful looking smoother skin. It can be used as a light moisturizer if you have oily skin. In addition to the benefits to the skin it also helps in repairing and growth of nails and smooth hair. 
6. Coconut water has high amounts of potassium so it reduces hypertension by promoting excretion of water out of the body. 
So, go ahead and indulge in this nutritious fluid and enjoy its abundant health benefits.


Monday 18 November 2013

Gyan poised to get Ghana back to the World Cup

 Asamoah Gyan describes his fifth minute against Egypt last month as a great moment to remember,the outpouring of emotion in Kumasi was so immense,the crowd of about 40,000 burst to life. Ghana's fans showered him praise,teammates from the substitutes’ bench, were all around him.
Black Stars went ahead trashing the Pharaoh's  to a resounding 6-1 win to put a foot into the 2014 FIFA World Cup.“You can’t really expect such a massive result against a team like Egypt". Ending their training session in turkey Asamoah expressed his burning desire to be in Brazil together with his team mates.
“We’re desperate to get back to the World Cup, but we have to make sure we do things right come Tuesday” he said ahead of the return fixture in Cairo, calling for focus. “It’s football, so anything can happen.”
The distinct whiff of caution in Gyan’s tone is understandable.The striker, perhaps more than anyone, knows just how wrong things can go after looking so clear-cut. It was his penalty-kick that dramatically thudded against the Uruguayan crossbar in the dying moments of extra-time in Soweto three years ago, forcing a penalty shootout that Ghana went on to lose.

Gyan is a man on a mission. There is redemption to be had in Brazil next summer. His move to Sunderland in the English Premier League after the heart-breaking exit from South Africa 2010 didn’t last long. Gyan headed for the Mid-East and is top-scorer two seasons running in the United Arab Emirates top flight, where he plays for 13-time champions Al Ain. He stands head and shoulders above the competition in that desert outpost, 90 minutes drive from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. While he makes the competition stronger, one can’t help but wonder if he’s playing at the highest level possible, and rumours of a €20 million move Turkish champions Trabzonspor have begun to circulate.
Watching Gyan play, for the Black Stars or in Al Ain’s humble stadium in the desert, you can’t help but think the word ‘dynamic’ was coined just for him. Small and compact, he has the power of a coiled steel spring. “My football career is going well right now,” he said, a wide smile telling a story all its own. “At international level I couldn’t be happier with how things are going for Ghana right now too. I’m enjoying my life and I’m enjoying the game,” he added, a glint in his eye speaking of unfinished business, like a man with a point to prove.

Friday 15 November 2013

See Them Get Ready For Egypt(Location:Istanbul Turkey)

Ghana and Chelsea's midfielder Michael Essien had confirmed his determination to help the Black Stars secure the ticket to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
This he disclosed at the training camp before their final duel against Egypt on November 19.
" I am back for good. I am back to help the Black Stars reach a greater height. Feelings at the Black Stars camp is great. I am very happy to join this wonderful squad again.
When asked about his impressive come back,he says it all goes down to hard work. The players at the Black Stars squad are doing well so I had to step up my performance at training so that I'll be picked. I knew I had to work hard to get back into the lineup and I perfectly did so. I asked Coach Kwesi Appiah to start me from the bench against Zambia and against Egypt,but  he decided to put me in the starting lineup because he realized I was poised to start.All glory to God"
Words from other noble player like Asamoah Gyan,Dede Ayew,Sule Muntari and KP Boateng indicates they are ready to defeat Egypt in their backyard

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Young Ghanaian Men In Bleaching Fashion

Skin bleaching, which is predominantly associated with women is now practiced by men, especially the young ones.
According to Professor Edmund Delle, Director of Rabito Clinic, in Accra, six out of 16 men bleach their skin; a situation he finds worrying.
Men bleach to attract the opposite sex while religious leaders who also bleach do so to attract the fairer sex.

Dr Delle mentioned some soaps and creams used for bleaching causes numerous effects, but the commonest are, ulcer of the skin which leads to cancer.Also mercury and lead in most bleaching creams when dissolved into the blood causes kidney failure, diabetes, infertility in both men and women, leukaemia, dark pores, quick aging, nauseating smells, brain, liver and hormonal infections which would result in death.

He however did not mention specific bleaching creams since people mix different creams and soaps for the act, but said the commonest on the market are menobenzose, tranexamic acid, Peau Claire creams, hydroquinone creams, kojic acid and mandelic acid.

 He recounted some unpleasant situations where he had to sew and treat some wounds for his patients and said, there were skin breakages at some points due to bleaching, which made the treatment difficult.

Melanin, is the pigment that gives human skin, hair and eyes their color, and added that both dark-skinned and light-skinned people have the same quantity of melanin in their skin. With black people, however, melanin covers the whole epidermis which is the outer part of the skin, but with white skinned people, it is located under the epidermis.

Bleaching therefore removes the melanin on top of the outer skin and renders it white in outlook; an act which is easier among black people than whites.

According to him, bleaching gives a type of skin color which makes one easily recognizable among dark skinned people and had highly been misinterpreted as an act of beauty and a status symbol in most societies.

He explained that the source of bleaching could not be traced, but the act was at a higher rate in South Africa, during apartheid system, where dark skinned people resorted to the method to look fairer so as to avoid being discriminated against.

He bemoaned the excessive bleaching in beauty pageants and said the diplomatic name used in such circumstances is skin toning.

"Can you imagine what would happen to a market woman who sits under the open sun in the market to sell her wares but bleaches?" he asked.

He urged people to eat healthy diets, consume more fruit and vegetables and use moisturizer creams on the skin to keep it fresh arid beautiful instead of bleaching

Tuesday 12 November 2013


After staring at a monitor for hours on end, have your eyes ever felt dry, itchy or irritated? Has your vision become blurry, or have you even seen double? Has your head begun to pound because of all the squinting and straining?
Annoying eye problems like these call for eye drops -- or maybe for dropping your computer off a cliff. But are your PCs really to blame for our eyestrain?
Answer: Computer use can definitely strain your eyes -- but there are ways to combat the damage Studies have shown that between 50 and 90% of people who work in front of a computer screen have some signs of eye problems
Hours upon hours of close focusing without taking a break is usually the main culprit for a lot of people who complain of eyestrain,
The problem is so common, there's even a name for it: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
For ideal situations, people usually blink around 18 times per minute, which refreshes the eyes naturally. But blink rates are reduced when staring at a computer screen or other digital devices, and this can make your eyes burn, dry out, turn red or feel itchy. Sitting too close to your computer monitor, or holding a digital device closer to your eyes than you would normally hold a book or newspaper, also poses a problem, according research.This forces your eyes to work harder than usual as you strain to focus on tiny font sizes.
Common symptoms of eyestrain and/or CVS include: sore eyes, dry eyes, teary eyes, blurry vision, double vision, light sensitivity, difficulty focusing on images, neck pain, headache or a combination of all of the above.
Instead of turning a blind eye to the damage computers cause to your eyes, there are quick and easy steps you can take to reduce eyestrain triggers. Jeffrey Anshel, founder of Corporate Vision Counseling and author of the Visual Ergonomics Handbook, suggests first lowering your monitor.
Because conventional reading is normally done with the book or magazine held in a lowered position, having your monitor in a straight-ahead position is unnatural. "The top of the screen should be level with the eyes of the user, allowing for a slightly lowered viewing angle" he says.
Secondly,reduce glare by angling the monitor so that you can see no reflections of any lights on the front surface of the monitor. The preferred viewing distance is between 20 and 40 inches from the eye to the front surface of the computer screen.
Thirdly, three Bs approach, Blink, Breathe and Break is advised.While staring at a monitor, remember to blink often to moisten and refresh your eyes. Correct breathing can relax the eye muscles, so be conscious of your breathing usually during stressful moments, when people tend to hold their breath.
Also because computer work requires intense concentration, frequent breaks are a must. "Our eyes are not designed to be used at that close distance for a long period of time," he says. "Remember the 20-20-20 rule:Every 20 minutes,take 20seconds and look 20feet away."
Making these minor adjustment can result in reduced strain on the eyes.
Nonetheless,there is no one solution to all types of problems encountered with computer use,but with a little research, the answer to many of these problems may be right before your eyes.

Nana Oye Lithur now speaks

In response to leak tape Vikileaks/Victoria's secrets as it has come to be known in Ghana,the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection Nana Oye Lithur has described as “untrue and preposterous” comments by the former Deputy Minister of Communication Victoria Hammah which suggested she met with the justices of the Supreme Court before they ruled on the election petition.

In a statement signed by the minister stated that “for the record, I do not have any sort of relationship with any of the judges who sat on the Petition, which would form the basis of any discussion or meeting with any of them in relation to it. For the avoidance of doubt, I have never met, communicated or had any discussion with any judge with a view to influencing the outcome of the presidential election petition.”

Ms. Victoria Hammah had alleged in a taped conversation that Nana Oye Lithur had influenced judges who sat on the recent presidential election petition but the gender minister says the suggestion that she would participate in compromising the Judiciary is "utterly outrageous."

She added that her “professional life as a human rights lawyer and activist has been built around due process and insistence on the integrity of the Judiciary. I believe that is the surest way of protecting the rights I have fought for most of my working life."

Below is the full text of the statement signed by the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection Nana Oye Lithur

My attention has been drawn to the headlines of the Friday November 8, 2013 edition of the Daily Guide newspaper which reads, “Victoria Hammah Drops Bomb; “Oye Lithur Saw Judges Before Verdict”.

In the accompanying story, it was alleged that Ms. Victoria Hammah, the former Deputy Minister of Communication had said in a taped conversation that I had contacted and influenced judges who sat on the recent presidential election petition. Various media houses have repeated the allegation.

The allegation is untrue and preposterous. For the record, I do not have any sort of relationship with any of the judges who sat on the Petition, which would form the basis of any discussion or meeting with any of them in relation to it.

For the avoidance of doubt, I have never met, communicated or had any discussion with any judge with a view to influencing the outcome of the presidential election petition.

Anybody who has had the slightest acquaintance with me would have been astonished by the suggestion that I would attempt to subvert the course of justice by interfering with the judicial process.

My professional life as a human rights lawyer and activist has been built around due process and insistence on the integrity of the Judiciary. I believe that is the surest way of protecting the rights I have fought for most of my working life.

The suggestion therefore that I would participate in compromising the Judiciary is utterly outrageous to me.

Signed: Honourable Nana Oye Lithur

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection

Friday 8 November 2013

How many Victoria Hammah's are in government?

Ghana rose to a "pleasant or unpleasant surprise" depending on which side of the political divide you stand. Ms Victoria Hammah, a deputy communications minister was relieved of her position.
Her dismissal comes on the back of a leaked audio tape purported to be a conversation between the deputy minister and an unknown friend.
She was alleged to have among other things mentioned her quest to make at least $1million(US) before she quits politics. A fine young lady whose appointment sparked various wild comments in the mass media,stating interesting reasons for her appointment gained prominence after she had goofed at an IT summit with her scripted speech.Many including myself raised questions about her competence with respect to running affairs of her office when she is seen not be organized and lacks the attention to details.
She was again in the front pages of newspapers when she publicly condemn society for breeding corrupt leaders.The revelation was based on mounting pressure from various people in society who will want her use the letterheads of the ministry to facilitate one illegal deal or the other.
Ghanaians who for preceding months were crusading against corruption were full of praise for her on this occasion,until yesterday's speculation in the media and numerous social networks.
Anyone privileged to have listen to the tape will no doubt say she had gained some political experience.She discussed why it was not right for a subordinate should not compete with his or her boss bearing in mind the role of the superior and his level of influence in the social circles.
The over 30minutes recording of the two ladies - who appeared to be traveling while having the conversation contains inside information about the workings of government, the role Nana Oye Lithur, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection played in securing a favorable verdict for the ruling party in the election petition case, how influential Lawyer Tony Lithur and Victoria Hammah are in the corridors of power,among other things.
These details seems to be a shot in the foot of ruling government which will in turn the image of the NDC party.
They are also heard on the leaked secret audio tape harshly condemning the Deputy Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Rachel Appoh, describing her as a “senseless, ugly, loud and egoistic” woman for instigating bad press against her boss, Nana Oye Lithur.

The question many young Ghanaians and pfygh for that matter is asking is:
How many of such politicians have we had, and how many of such are still in the corridors of power?