Monday 7 October 2013

Rituals at Institute of Languages-How is that?

Some students at the Accra City Campus of the University of Ghana, which shares the same building with the Ghana Institute of Languages - GIL have expressed reservations about the performance of rituals at the premises of school over the weekend.
They questioned why the director of the GIL, Dr. John Rex Gadezkpo should hired the spiritualists following reports that workers were being haunted by ghosts.
According to the night shift workers they were attacked by these nocturnal spirits whose presence they were unable to explain.
One worker has reportedly suffered an ear infection following one such attack.
Speaking to a corespondent,students of the city campus were oblivious about the presence of these nocturnal spirits.They insisted they were in an academic environment, hence such practices described as scary, should not be entertained.
“If something of the sort is happening, this is not the right way to deal with it. This is not right. By doing this, they might worsen the case…” a female student said.
Another student who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “…We can’t tell if they are hiding something from us”.
Nonetheless,it is alleged  the Director Dr. Gadzekpo,downplayed the students concerns, saying everybody was free to practice what they believed in.
“…If we were a Christian group making noise here, nobody would say anything. Let other people practice what they want to practice as long as it doesn't worry you. I am the Chief Executive of this Institute and I don’t have to ask permission from anybody to do anything over here.”

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