Monday 7 October 2013

Koko King-A tough adventure!

The decision by a young graduate to quit his job as a banker sounded weird to friend an family."Some even conclude I was going crazy"...that's the story of
Mr.Albert Osei, Chief Executive Officer of local food outfit, Koko King.
He mentioned this on a morning of a popular Accra based radio station JOY99.7fm,Monday 8th Oct.

Albert, a university graduate, quit his job as a banker and ventured into providing the popular breakfast to lower and middle level staff in offices and commuters in the capital.
A business which initially started with three people - a cook, a driver and Albert himself - now has over 150 sales agents scattered all over Accra providing variety of locally made breakfast to commuters at vantage locations.
Albert disclosed on the Joy FM Super Morning Show that his target is to employ about 1,000 sales agents across the country to build a major food brand in the country.
"We are looking at creating a major food brand in Ghana and in the world with time", Mr. Osei told Bernard Nasara Saibu, co-host of the show.
His success story like many others, did not come on a silver platter.Many of his friends and family members thought it was "crazy" for a university graduate to quit his banking job only to undertake a business in selling porridge, known locally as 'koko' on the streets.
"It was the toughest couple of years of my life [which] I don't want to wish for anybody... some people including his own colleagues saw me and they thought I was crazy", he said.
He had words of appreciation for his clients for having faith in his products, something he said was awe-inspiring and spurred him on to do more.
"Our biggest advertisers are the customers; they are so loyal, so fantastic.
"We do what we do because we love to do it, not because we have to do it," Albert stated profoundly.
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