Friday 6 December 2013

Do African Leaders Truly Respect our Freedom Fighters?

The world received news of the death "anti apartheid hero" Nelson Mandela. Though it is sad we can not say we didn't quite expect it.He had paid his due to his society,country and the world at large.
We hear from the international media messages from leaders of various countries expressing solidarity and condolence to S.A and the entire Africa.

PM signs Nelson Mandela condolence book: Your generosity, compassion & forgiveness have given us lessons to live by
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered flags to be lowered to half-staff until Monday' sunset to mourn the death of Nelson Mandela
"His commitment to transfer power and reconcile with those who jailed him set an example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personal lives. And the fact that he did it all with grace and good humour, and an ability to acknowledge his own imperfections, only makes the man that much more remarkable"-Barrack O. 
Ghana's Kuffour says Mandela is a rare species of human race,and 
Prez John Dramani say Mandela Taught a Continent to Forgive!

In all of this i ask,Does Africa really value the toil of freedom fighters like Mandela,Nkrumah and the rest of them?
The answer that rings in my ears is 
 mostly negative.The new breed of African leaders seem to be struggling to understand why the likes of Mandela will risk their live for the independence of their homeland.
The continent with its own people in leadership is bedeviled with various forms of corruption,depriving its citizens basic amenities from water,lights,schools roads,modern markets among others.
On the contrary,politicians are seem living a life of luxury and amassing wealth through dubious deals.
Most economies on the continent is stagnant coupled increase cost of living with each passing day.

Our fore bearers had ideals they stood for,fought for and were prepared to die for such ideals.That's what made them heroic!
But these days we have lip service politician echoing problems of society and neglect by the ruling parties only get the chance to perpetuate worse.

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